  • Welcome to

    Chalvey Nursery School


Main Nursery
Children with additional needs are included in all of our Nursery activities and all staff share responsibility for meeting their needs. Our Special Needs Coordinator (SENCO) works closely with parents, families, staff members and other professionals to assess children’s individual needs and identify their next steps for learning. Individual Education Plan (IEPs) are set up and reviewed regularly with parents. We recognise the importance of good transitions for all children, when they start Nursery and when they move on to school. Some children need additional support at this time and we are able to arrange extra visits and resources to facilitate their transitions.

Assessment Unit
Our Nursery also has an Assessment Unit (known as Butterfly Class) for children who have complex needs and would benefit from an extended period of assessment. A referral meeting is held once a term and children can be referred by any professional working with the child or by the child’s parents. Many of the children attending the Unit require an EHCP (Education, Health & Care Plan) and this is usually completed before they transfer to school.

The Unit provides up to 10 places (5 morning and 5 afternoon places) and children typically attend for 3-5 terms. In addition to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, the children are offered additional experiences including sensory activities and outings in the minibus to extend their physical and social skills. They are also supported to engage in the whole range of activities on offer in the mainstream Nursery.

Children referred to the Unit usually have two or more areas of difficulty, including a significant delay in their communication skills. The Unit has specialist and experienced staff, and children receive a high level of support, including individual support as appropriate. Information is shared with parents on a daily basis via a home-school diary and staff work closely with parents as partners.

The Unit is supported by a Speech & Language Therapist who works closely with the children, parents and staff, and attends regularly.